Earlier this month we had reported that Parineeti Chopra had been roped in to feature alongside Sidharth Malhotra in the film Shotgun Shaadi. However, now we hear that Parineeti might just be replaced by the Dangal girl Fatima Sana Shaikh in the film. If what we hear is true then apparently the reason for this change in casting is because Parineeti Chopra has been facing issues with allocating dates to shoot the project.
Commenting on the same, a source close to the development says, “While it would be great to see Parineeti Chopra and Sidharth Malhotra back on screen together after Hasee Toh Phasee, it now seems unlikely given the fact that Parineeti is pretty busy. Due to Pari’s issues with allocating dates for the film, the makers have now roped in Fatima Sana Shaikh for the role.”
Interestingly, prior to Parineeti coming on board for Shotgun Shaadi rumours were rife that the Ekta Kapoor production wanted to sign Shraddha Kapoor, hence bringing together the Ek Villain team. But now with Fatima stepping into Pari’s shoes, we guess we will have to wait a bit longer for this reunion.
As for the film, though Fatima Sana Shaikh is yet to sign the dotted line, Sidharth Malhotra has already begun prep work for the film by hiring a dialect coach to learn Bihari properly. As for their roles in Shotgun Shaadi, though Fatima’s role is still under wraps, we hear that Sidharth will be seen bulking up as he plays a a thug who abducts men and forcefully gets them married.
Also Read: Dangal girls Fatima Sana Shaikh and Sanya Malhotra have a girl’s night
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