Bruna Abdullah has yet to announce her next Bollywood outing, but till then the Brazilian model turned actress is killing it on social media sites. In fact, her Instagram account might just already be one of the hottest profiles to follows, but Bruna is making sure that it stays that way. Taking to the image sharing site the actress recent posted a topless image of herself posing in nothing but denim shorts.
Sharing the image on Instagram, Bruna Abdullah simply added, “Savage dreams”. Shot by ace fashion and celebrity photographer Rahul Jhangiani, the image features Bruna in one of her hottest avatars. Well, looking at the image we are certain that the summer is all set to get hotter thanks to Bruna.
Back on the work front, Bruna Abdullah has been part of films like I Hate Luv Storys, Grand Masti, and Jai Ho among others and has also tried her hand at television and has been a part of some popular reality shows like ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi’ and ‘Nach Baliye 6’.
Also Read: Bruna Abdullah‘s open jacket and high waist bikini is a perfect spring break look
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