Namaste England starring Arjun Kapoor and Parineeti Chopra began its shoot earlier this year. The cast and crew began the shoot in Amritsar in Punjab. Now, the cast and crew have begun their international schedule in London. It would be after director Vipul Amrutlal Shah’s 2008 outing, Namastey London that he will be calling shots in London.
Namaste England co-stars and buddies Parineeti Chopra and Arjun Kapoor love to share some goofy moments on sets of the film. They often try to pull each other’s legs which the fans absolutely adore. Either Parineeti is making fun of Arjun or he pokes fun at her. The banter seems never ending which is absolutely fun to watch.
On their London schedule, actress Shefali Shah has joined them as the trio continues to have fun. Shefali, earlier this week, celebrated her birthday with Arjun and Parineeti as the duo got off from work to spend some fun moments. Parineeti shared a couple of pictures with her and Arjun and captioned them, “Baba is always jealous when I pose with someone else. @arjunkapoor @shefalishahofficial #NamasteEngland.”
The film Namaste England is a young and refreshing story that traces the journey of two individuals Jasmeet and Param. In the last poster, the duo is seen all set to kick start their journey on a bike. It tracks their love story across the landscapes of India and Europe. Starting from Punjab and moving to Ludhiana, Amritsar, Dhaka and all the way to their international locations.
Produced and directed by Vipul Amrutlal Shah, the film is presented by Pen Movies and Reliance Entertainment in association with Blockbuster Movie Entertainers. Namaste England is scheduled to hit the theatres this Dussehra, October 19, 2018.
Also Read: Arjun Kapoor and Parineeti Chopra kickstart Paris schedule of Namaste England
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