Earlier this year, the news of veteran actress Sridevi suddenly passing away in Dubai came as a shock. With the news of her passing away, the entire film industry was rattled, however it was one of those rare moments that everyone in the industry banded together to offer their condolence to the bereaved family. While Sridevi will surely be missed on screen, numerous organisations have been honouring her body of work posthumously. Now, the latest to honour the actress is the BRICS Business Forum Leadership Awards.
Honouring the late megastar Sridevi with a Lifetime Achievement award at the BRICS Business Forum Leadership Awards for her illustrious 50 year career in Indian cinema, the event bestowed a memento on the late actress. Reena Marwah, sister of producer Boney Kapoor, received the award and memento from Larisa Zelentsova, President of the International Alliance of BRICS (Strategic Projects) and Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office Dr. Jitendra on behalf of the Kapoor family. As for the BRICS Alliance Business Forum, the organization aims to bring together business leaders, business facilitators, investors, entrepreneurs, and professionals from around the world.
Sridevi was also voted ‘India’s Greatest Actress in 100 Years’ in a CNN-IBN national poll conducted in 2013 on the occasion of the centenary of Indian cinema. The Padma Shri laureate was also honoured with a National Award for her performance in Mom. The film also won her a Filmfare award for Best Actress for the film.
Also Read: CANNES 2018: Sridevi gets felicitated for outstanding contribution to Indian cinema
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