Earlier this year Priyanka Chopra made headlines when she arrived at the MET Gala with Nick Jonas. Interestingly, if arriving wasn’t enough the two were coincidentally also seated on the same table for the event. Later clearing the rumours of a linkup, both Priyanka and Nick explained that it was pure coincidence and that they actually met through a common friend who was also part of Quantico. Well, more recently, the duo was spotted arriving together at the LA Dodgers stadium to watch a baseball game that has once again sent the rumour mills working overtime.
We came across this small clip that features both Priyanka and Nick arriving at the stadium and just had to share it. While the rumour mill is sure to churn out link up news yet again, the duo maintains that they are just good friends.
Back on the work front, Priyanka Chopra is rather busy with A Kid Like Jake and Isn’t It Romantic followed by her Bollywood venture Bharat that stars Salman Khan.
@priyankachopra and @nickjonas at the #Dodgers game today. ???? pic.twitter.com/3J91P9phzq
— PC Style File (@fashionistapc) May 27, 2018
Also Read: Priyanka Chopra was once MIFFED with Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Deepika Padukone was the REASON
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